Kindermusik with Gina

Kindermusik with Gina at First Presbyterian Church

Downtown Historic Statesville, NC

125 N. Meeting St.
Statesville, NC 28677

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I understand that my personal information will not be released to any third party, and is for the exclusive use of communication from Kindermusik with Gina.

With my enrollment, I trust that Kindermusik with Gina does everything possible to keep us safe. I release any and all rights and claims for damages against Kindermusik with Gina, Gina Terry, and First Presbyterian Church in the unlikely event of illness or injury sustained by myself or my child(ren) during the course of my enrollment at Kindermusik with Gina.

I understand that registration fees and preview fees are non-refundable and that if I need to pause enrollment and stop autopayment, I will notify Miss Gina one week before the new month.